Open Your Heart… give a gift that will make a difference in the life of a child.
You can make a difference!
Open Your Heart
You can give a gift that will make a difference in the life of a child. Your tax deductible gift, no matter what size, will help ensure that critical services are available for abused and neglected children in Fannin County.

Memory & Honor Gifts
We gladly accept donations in honor or memory of a loved one. Be sure to let us know the name of the honored person and who we can send a card to in order to let them know you gave. We do not reveal the amount of the gift.
Gifts of $1,000 or more (individually or collectively) can be designated as Tribute Funds. The donor can name the fund in memory or honor of a loved one. The gift will be held in perpetuity for the long term needs of the center.
More ways you can make a difference:
- Become a CASA Volunteer.
- Invite the Children's Center to come speak to your civic group, club, Sunday School class or other group.
- Attend one of our classes to learn how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.
- Inventory, sort & organize items in the Rainbow Room.
- Become a foster or adoptive parent.
- Give your time.
- Be knowledgeable about the problem of child abuse & tell everyone you know about the problem.
- Know your legislators - you can vote, children can't.
- Share your talents.
- Organize a drive to collect items for the Rainbow Room.
- Make an in-kind donation.
- Arrange for your group or organization to get a tour of the Children's Center.
- Attend Justice Is Served.
- Like us on Facebook - Fannin County Children's Center
- Follow us on Twitter - FanninChildrenCenter @FanninCCC
- Follow us on Instagram - #fanninccc
- Have a baby shower to collect diapers and baby items for the Rainbow Room.
- Donate an auction item for Justice Is Served.
- Report any reasonable suspicions of child abuse to the 24 hour toll free hotline at 1-800-252-5400.
- Call the Children's Center at (903) 583-4339 to get involved.
Volunteer Application:
We are always looking for volunteers to join our team! To apply to become a CASA, click here: Apply Now
To apply to become an office, event, or special projects volunteer, click here: Apply Now
Volunteer Opportunities:
- CASA Advocates - We need some special people who are willing to take on an important role for abused children. Caring, committed adults who are willing to speak up for a child as they go through the court system are needed now for CASA.
- CAC Volunteers - Compassionate volunteers are needed to help supervise the children, youth and families who are waiting in the reception area for therapy and forensic interviews. Volunteers are needed primarily in the afternoons and early evening hours. Ideally, volunteers will work the same 2 or 3 hour shift each week.
- Office Volunteers - Volunteers are needed periodically to help answer phones, greet visitors to the center, get newsletters ready for mailing and other light office work.
- Rainbow Room - Volunteers are needed a couple times a month to sort donations and organize the clothing, shoes, diapers and other items in our Rainbow Room.
- Handy Helpers - Volunteers who help with minor repairs and maintenance work around the center on an as needed basis.
- Hospitality Team - Volunteers who are willing to cook and bake food for various meetings and training hosted by the Center.
- Special Events - Throughout the year, we have several special events, including Justice Is Served, School Supply Drive, Christmas Drive. Quite frankly, we could not pull off these events without the assistance of volunteers who help with event set-up, decorating and clean-up, organizing and preparing school supplies and more.
For CASA Volunteers, contact Julie Luton at or (903) 583-4339.
For all other Children's Center Volunteers, contact Kesly Chacon at or (903) 583-4339.

Justice Is Served
Join us for a fun night for a great cause!
This year’s theme is "Stars and Stripes" as we celebrate Veteran’s Day!
Judges, police chiefs and other Honorable Servers will once again be serving up a buffet styled meal, catered by Feast On This! The evening will include silent auction, live auction, photo booth and a variety of games and music.
Tickets and tables are on sale now! Individual "early bird" tickets are on sale for $65. After November 6th, tickets are $75. Your name will be on the list at the door, no physical ticket necessary.
Buy Tickets Now
Doors to the Complex in Bonham will open at 6 pm on Saturday, November 11th, 2023.
The Baked Goods Auction will be online only on Wednesday, November 8th.
Feel free to email Kim if anything changes or you have any questions:
- JIS 2023 Sponsor Form
- 2023 Justice is Served Sponsorship Form
- 2023 Justice is Served Baked Goods Auction Donation Form
See Our Social Media Links for More Information!
Child Abuse Awareness Month
Go Blue Day - April 5, 2024
April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. This year, GO BLUE day is Friday, April 5, 2024 in Texas. It's a day to wear blue in honor and memory of child abuse victims. Wear blue, take some photos and post them!
Suggested hashtags include:
- #GoBlueDay
- #NoExcuseForChildAbuse
- #GoBlueFanninCounty
Please tag us and email them to so we can share on our website and social media!
- Those that send their pictures in will be entered in a drawing for 5 free tickets to our Rise and Shine for Hope Breakfast on April 30th.

Paint the Town Blue
We encourage participation and creativity on Go Blue Day and throughout the month of April. Put on your creative thinking caps and figure out how to “Paint our Town Blue.” Also, pinwheels are a symbol used by Children’s Advocacy Centers and child abuse prevention efforts across the country. Some ideas include:
- Decorate your place with blue ribbons, blue lights and/ or blue pinwheels.
- For downtown businesses, paint your windows with messages and designs in blue.
- Tie blue ribbons around trees or poles.
- Post the slogan “No Excuse for Child Abuse” on your outdoor marquee signs
- Raise funds for the Children’s Center by having a Blue Jean Day at your workplace. Employees who donate $5 get to wear blue jeans to work.
- Get blue light bulbs for your front porch.
- Get creative, like the students at LH Rather Junior High, who stuck blue plastic cups in the fence and to spell out “No Excuse for Child Abuse.”
- Get Blue Shirts & Signs for your business, church, school or home.
Rise and Shine for Hope Breakfast
- Please join us for a wonderful cause featuring keynote speaker, Tim Rountree! Tim is a survivor of several years of physical and sexual child abuse. He is also a detective with the Mesquite Police Department in Texas and is currently assigned to the Child Abuse Unit. We eagerly anticipate his insights and wisdom as we come together to learn, grow, and advocate for children in our community.
- April 30th 2024 at 7:45am
- Roy Floyd Community Center, 1100 W. 5th St, Bonham
- Get tickets now
Blue Sunday - April 28, 2024
On the last Sunday of April, faith communities across our country are asked to pray for abused and neglected children, as well as the volunteers and professionals who work with them. Go to for more ideas and resources.
Kids Art Contest
Calling all young artists! The Children’s Center is seeking artwork to use in our upcoming annual Open Your Heart campaign.
There will be ribbons and cash prizes for top two entries. Winning artwork will be reproduced on cards to help us raise funds to provide advocacy, counseling and other critical support services for abused and neglected children in Fannin County.
Our judges will be looking for artwork that is eye catching and heart warming and illustrates this year's theme "Once Upon A Time". We know everyone has a story, so either illustrate your own or a favorite classic fairytale. Artists may want to include one or more of the following phrases in their creations:
- Open Your Heart
- Fannin County Children’s Center
- Once Upon A Time
First place: $100 cash
Second place: $50 cash
Entry deadline: 5pm March 25th 2024
Winners will be announced through social media and at our Open Your Heart Gallery. We will also call the winners at the number listed on the entry form.
Entry Forms
Download and print the art contest flyer listed below, which includes an entry form that must be attached to the back of the artwork. If you do not have a printer, forms are available at the center at 112 W. 5th in Bonham.
There are many ways to give to the Children’s Center! Which ever way you choose to give, please know that your gift will help provide critical support services to children from hard places. Your gifts will help kids heal, grow and thrive!